Optic elite facial scan | Resurgence Wellness in Arlington, TX

Magic mirrors exist, did you know? Maybe not in the sense of how fairy-tale villains use them, but still, they do exist. 

What we are talking about is a revolutionary technology that can answer all of your skin questions! 

We look in the mirror every day before we get ready for work, school, or running errands. When we look in the mirror, we “analyze” our own skin by looking for new acne, wrinkles, pores, blackheads, and more. 

We try to fix these issues by buying countless products that promise to help erase the hands of time and allow us to look more youthful with a smooth and glowing complexion. 

But what if we’ve been using the wrong products this whole time? How do we know what to use and what will truly be effective in helping us achieve our ultimate complexion goals? 

That’s where the magic mirror, AKA the Optic Elite Facial Scan, comes in, and we have it right here at Resurgence Wellness. 

What Is The Optic Elite Facial Scan? 

The Optic Elite Facial Scan is a revolutionary system that uses high-definition 3D technology to take pictures of your face and then analyze your skin and current skin age. 

How It Works

In as little as 30 minutes, you’ll have the answers to questions you’ve always had about your skin. 

The Optic Elite Facial Scan takes 10 – 3D scans of your face and runs them through advanced technology to show you what lies on and beneath your skin. Using RGB visible light, PL polarized light, and UV spectrum imaging, it is able to measure the surface and subsurface to identify potential skin issues on the surface and deeper layers of the skin! 

The system takes photos from multiple angles giving our team a chance to look at your entire face in order to help give you the best treatment plan for your skin. 

The best part? It’s completely painless, and you won’t have to wait for the results because it immediately analyzes your skin for you and your aesthetician to review after you’ve gone through the scanning process!

What It Measures

The 10 scans of your face are meant to measure different aspects of your skin. 

The system measures:

  • UV Damage
  • Pores (in a 3D structure)
  • Wrinkles on the surface and deeper levels of the skin
  • Pigment inconsistencies and uneven skin tone
  • Excess oil
  • Bacteria on the skin (acne/blackheads etc.)
  • Texture
  • Moisture
  • Sensitive areas
  • And more 

From there, it takes those measurements and compares them to others of the same age and gender. This comparison tells you what range your skin falls into – poor, general, good – to help you understand where your skin is at in terms of your age. 

It will also tell you the current age of your skin and what your skin age will be in 5 years if you stay on the same path! 

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What Is Done With The Results

Once we’ve seen the results, we get to work! This technology shows us an intimate view of your skin and gives us a roadmap to creating the perfect personalized skincare routine. 

By knowing exactly what your skin needs, you won’t waste money on treatments and products that get you nowhere. Now, you’ll have the answers in the palm of your hands! 

How To Keep The Best Results

Now that you can be put on the right path to your complexion goals, it’s time to keep up with the answers! 

Your skin constantly changes, and whether you follow your customized regimen or not, it’s good to know what is happening with your skin in real time. 

We recommend getting the Optic Elite Facial Scan every 4 months to truly track the progress of your skin care treatment plan to see what is working and what can be improved!

Want To Schedule Your Optic Elite Facial Scan? See Resurgence Wellness

If you’re ready to see what’s going on with your skin, schedule a consultation for your Elite Facial Scan today! 

Here at Resurgence Wellness, we enjoy serving DFW area residents and visitors by providing the highest quality aesthetic, body sculpting, regenerative wellness, and sexual wellness treatments. 

Our goal is to help you own the day and boost your confidence on the inside and out! 

To learn more about our Arlington, TX medspa, we encourage you to browse our services, follow us on social media and check out our blog page featuring articles about getting a skin tag removed, sexual wellness help, secrets of summer skincare, and more! 


Schedule your appointment or complimentary consultation today.

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